Last week, Yahoo released a new update for the YM 9 beta.This update includes the voice fix for Vista users because in the previously version the Voice service was disabled so for those who are using Windows vista download the new YM 9 beta.
Download Yahoo! Messenger 9.0 Beta (
Grey Shine skin is made by Uniquedarkboy is a great skin with a simple design and it is perfect for every user.
Download Grey Shine sking for Yahoo! Messenger
Recently Google released the Google Talk chatback, a service who helps you to communicate with your website or blog visitors.They named chatback because instead talking on your blog, your visitor can talk back to you without using the GTalk acount or any type of email address.
How it works?When the user is reading your content it will see a badge like the one on the left who show them your GTalk status.Because "chatback" is using the web-based Google Talk Gadget users don't need to download any of the GTalk applications, so everything and you may use this on every type of website not just on a blog.
ScrienceDaily wrote an article about a study made by Ohio State University and University of California who proves that Instant Messaging is good for employers.
The study challenges the widespread belief that instant messaging leads to an increase in disruption. Some researchers have speculated that workers would use instant messaging in addition to the phone and e-mail, leading to increased interruption and reduced productivity.
So those who are using the Instant Messaging on the work reported less interruption than colleagues who did not.
According to Nielsen Online the London-Facebook is about to take the first place in the British preferences.In April 2008 matched the number of minutes spent on Facebook: 2.4 billion. While that's a whopping increase for Facebook (coming from 500 million in April 2007), it's a considerable loss for Messenger that still accounted for 3.2 billion minutes in the same month last year.
The SpyWareGuide confirms a new trojan who have the same Graphic interface like Google talk and sends informations like password and username to the hackers so be careful
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A cool presentation of Yahoo Messenger for Vista
Posted by Cosmin | 9:09 AM | Video, YM | 0 comments »
In the previously post I wrote about the new Yahoo Messenger Beta for Windows Vista so... here, in this video you can see what it can do.
shared by YMSecrets
Yahoo! Messenger Beta for Vista with voice and SMS
Posted by Cosmin | 4:43 AM | News, YM | 0 comments »Recently Yahoo released the Yahoo! Messenger for Windows Vista.Is beta so your feedback is important in making changes or to find any bugs so...lets tell you some interesting changes and features in the new Yahoo Messenger for Vista.
The new YM! for Vista have a great look made specially for Vista.You can easily change your status message by choosing one from your list or you can write your own.If you are asking about the phone call and SMS messages you will be happy to hear that in the new YM you can call and send sms to your friends completely free.Free SMS and call services are a really great thing.All you have to do is to type the phone number and send the text message.The design and the default theme contains a tool where you can change the color of your theme and make it look like your desktop or how you want it.
Other Features
Other features in the version include vector-based graphics for better independence from variable monitor pixel sizes; a Windows Sidebar gadget version; integration with Yahoo address book; integration with Flickr for photo sharing; the ability to view videos and photos sent as Web page links in the chat window; customizable skins; tabbed conversations to cut down on window clutter.
Download Yahoo! Messenger BETA for Windows Vista
IMPedia is the abbreviation for Instant Messaging Pedia.IMPedia is a web blog where you find all news and stuff about Instant Messenger software like Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, Google Talk, MySpace Messenger, AOL and more.
Avatars and cool stuff for you to share with your friends or family and for those who are looking for modifications we have a special section called Hacks where you will find cool stuff and mods for your favorites messaging software.
Why should you read our blog?
Because here you will find funny stuff, news and you can take a place in a community and make some friends, share and get help, say your impressions opinions and contribute to this blog content.
What I can find here on IMPedia?
We make cool avatars, skins for your IM software wallpapers and news everything here is for free.
In this post I will show you how you can change the name and the description of your yahoo messenger status bar.
If you don't know what is a status bar you can see one in the picture bellow.